Community Preservation
In 2016, Wrentham joined 160 other Massachusetts communities in approving the Community Preservation Act (CPA). The Massachusetts legislature enacted the CPA to provide communities with a tool to preserve and improve their natural resources (open space and recreation), historic sites, and community housing.
Every year, sometimes during our fall town meeting and often after the meeting, folks question why the Town cannot use CPA funds for much-needed projects such as sidewalks.
The criteria for CPA project funding are particular.
The Community Preservation Coalition clarifies that "projects are only eligible for CPA funding if they fit in a box with a green "Yes" in the chart below (chart adapted from "Recent Developments in Municipal Law," Massachusetts Department of Revenue, October 2012)":
Projects up for vote on June 3, 2024
Article 15 - Delaney Elementary Playground Construction:
This project seeks to build a preschool level playground at the Delaney School in Wrentham. The current one is from 1998, and replacement parts are no longer available, additionally, it is not ADA compliant for accessibility. The new playground would be sourced from Kompan (vendor for the D’Amico Playground at Rice Complex), and is slated to cost approximately $260,000, including installation. The school has already been fundraising for this playground and would like the CPA funding to cap off this effort so that the playground could be constructed during the summertime and is ready for use next school year.
Source: 2024 Projects (*pdf)
Delaney Preschool Playground Project webpage
Amount - $200,000 (CPC voted on May 22nd to increase the project amount from $190,000 to $200,000)
Article 16 - ADA Compliant Automatic Doors:
The Wrentham Housing Authority recently completed updates to the Bennett Gardens facility that includes fully accessible ADA compliant renovations for four housing units. This project request would help install automatic door openers on those housing units and the community building. The Wrentham Housing Authority aims to prioritize the comfort and accessibility of its elderly and disabled residents. To achieve this, they propose the installation of automatic door openers equipped with fob keys in four specific units designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Additionally, they plan to install an automatic door opener with a pushpad at the front entrance of the community building to ensure seamless entry for all residents and visitors.
Source: 2024 Projects (*pdf)
Amount - $80,000
Article 17 - Metacomet Greenway Engineering Study:
The Metacomet Greenway is a proposed recreational walking, and biking trail that, as envisioned, would extend from Walpole to N. Attleboro. The currently proposed project, as discussed and detailed by the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) would complete the engineering of the Greenway from Walpole (New Playing Fields - Lorusso & Sons Athletic Complex), through Norfolk to Wrentham Center. The pathway final routing and alignment will be determined by the Town, the Greenway Committee and the State via the engineering study. The MPO has already authorized the matching funds to complete 80% of the engineering study. Wrentham is required to secure the 20% ($200,000) to initiate the project. When engineering reaches the 100% complete milestone, Mass DOT has already agreed to pay for the project via the TIP funding mechanism, and begin construction. The total build cost is estimated to be approximately $19M (Mass DOT website project database estimate). To re-frame this project, for an investment of $200,000, Wrentham would gain access to a $19M recreational pathway.
Source: 2024 Projects (*pdf)
Amount - $200,000
For more information, please visit the Town's Current Projects page for details about project eligibility, the selection process, and 2024 projects (*pdf), and the CPC FAQs page for answers to additional common questions about CPA funds and how they may be used.
Additional info may be found on the Wrentham Community Preservation Facebook page.